Digital Strategy

Breaking Down Big Decisions On Your Website

Maya Kravchenko

Simplifying Complexity: Breaking Down the Decision

The Key: Breaking Down Big Decisions
Imagine you’re faced with a big decision on a website. Maybe it’s about spending a bunch of money or choosing a service that sounds like a puzzle. These choices can feel like lifting a heavy weight. But there’s a trick that can help: break them into smaller, simpler steps.

The Power of Progression

In the realm of sales, this approach is tried and tested. When you’re in a conversation, your goal isn’t to make the sale on the spot. Rather, it’s to move the prospect along the journey. The same principle applies to your website.

Let’s say your ultimate goal is to have someone engage your services. Instead of bombarding them with the grand finale, nudge them along the path. Maybe it starts with a quick chat, a coffee meeting, or an introductory webinar.

Your Website as a Guiding Light

Picture this: you visit a website, and boom! The homepage screams, “Work with Us!” While the enthusiasm is admirable, it can be daunting. But look at your own website with fresh eyes. Does it suffer from “big ask syndrome”? Are there ways to lead users through a more gradual decision-making journey?

Progression, Not Pressure

Remember, the goal is not to pressure users into an immediate decision, but to create an environment of progression. Offer them stepping stones that build understanding, trust, and confidence in your offering.

The Path Forward

Instead of dropping a huge decision on your users’ laps, lead them gently through the process. Think of your website as a friendly hand that’s there to help, one step at a time. So, next time you’re about to put a big decision on your site, remember – smaller steps lead to bigger success! In the end, it’s not about rushing the user, but about empowering them to take the leap when they’re ready.

Maya Kravchenko
Senior UI/UX designer

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